Terri King Speaks

Wanted: Anne Sullivan

by on Mar.10, 2008, under Uncategorized

“Once I knew only darkness and stillness…my life was without past or future…but a little word from the fingers of another fell into my hand that clutched at emptiness and my heart leaped to the rapture of living.”

This is a quote by Helen Keller referring to her teacher, Anne Sullivan. Helen Keller had handicaps that threatened the prospect of a successful life. She was deaf and blind.

Maybe you and I aren’t deaf or blind, but we all have weaknesses and obstacles in the path between us and our best selves.

What’s keeping you from getting that better job? What’s keeping me from realizing the dreams I have for my company? What’s keeping us all from having more to share with the world?

No one achieves great success without the help of others.

Would we have ever known Helen Keller without Anne Sullivan?

With that thought, I challenge you with 3 tasks:

1. Search yourself. Identify the weaknesses that hold you back. Be honest.

2. Seek out people who have the strengths you need and get them on your team.

3. Volunteer yourself to help someone else bridge the gap in their road to greatness.

Here’s hoping we find the Anne Sullivans we need to help us see a better way and hear gentle reminders that we can make history if we are willing to go the extra mile.

Terri King

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