Terri King Speaks

I Love My People!

by on Apr.02, 2008, under Uncategorized

People are life’s most valuable resource. We need each other. We need key people in our lives to help us achieve our goals, aspirations, and best selves. This is not a solo journey.

Life is about relationships if it is to be a happy, healthy experience.

Consider this:

1. Take inventory. Is there someone in your life that needs to go? If they are a negative source and their principles don’t align with your own, the answer is probably YES.

2. Do your due diligence. Be selective about the people you allow into your life. They will have impact, period!! Look for those who stretch your mind, build your confidence, brighten your days.

3. Give a hug. Put your arms around those who you feel blessed to know. Do it TODAY.

The greatest joys of my life are the people in it and what I can do to make the day of another a little better.

You know the old saying: ” Birds of a feather, flock together.” Let’s change out the bad feathers, spruce up the good ones and fly with a flock destined for soaring high and making a positive difference.

Terri King

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