Terri King Speaks

Who’s Runnin’ This Outfit, Anyway?

by on Jun.16, 2008, under Uncategorized

Every successful journey that arrives at its proper destination at the appointed time starts with a plan.

Life is our ultimate journey. What’s the plan?

Take out a piece of paper, decide what you want out of your experience of life, and write it down.

A life plan isn’t a static plan. It can and should shift and move as you go along.

You might find this exercise exciting and fun. I know I always do.

I’m modifying and rewriting mine right now.

I know what you’re thinking: “Terri, what’s with all this plan, plan, plan, you’re always talking up?”

It’s one thing I do that helps me keep my emotions on an even keel especially when times are rough.

And most of all, it puts you in the driver seat of life and builds self-confidence.

You know, confidence is…… sexy!!

You’re all beautiful people.

Terri King

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