Terri King Speaks

Present and Accounted For

by on Mar.05, 2008, under Uncategorized

As I was about to say on Monday…

Maybe you’ve heard Oprah is endorsing Eckhardt Tolle’s new book “A New Earth”. I haven’t read this one yet but it reminded me of one of his books I have read, ” Practicing the Power of Now”.

It’s about being present in the moment. Close your eyes and feel the presence of your own body, your arms, legs, breathing, etc. What do you hear, feel, smell? Once you’ve done this you have practiced the power of now.

It’s really a very interesting exercise in which you emotionally remove yourself from the experience. Tolle calls it being the “observer”.

Here’s the real treasure in this. Once you’ve realized the ability to emotionally remove yourself from any experience you gain control over the value of that experience. You can then decide whether it is important, garbage, or reject it altogether for irrelevance to you.

When you become the observer, there is no past, no future, only now and you have the power to assign the value placed on the now.

So as you go through the course of your day, and life happens, ask yourself:

Does this really matter to me?

What kind of impact do I want this to have on me?

Where will one reaction vs. another lead me?

Then assign value ranging from no value to critically valuable and react accordingly. No value get none of your energy and time and critically valuable gets much more.

I’m finding right now that this is harder to put into words than I realized but once you have experienced it for yourself you will feel the empowerment of it.

Use the past for the lessons it teaches, use the future for the hope that it promises, engage in the present. It’s where life happens.

Terri King

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