Terri King Speaks

No Future in the Past

by on Sep.17, 2009, under The Making of a Warrior Princess

In the book, Secrets of Six Figure Women by Barbara Stanny, she talks about what she calls Six Figure Traits.  One of those is the need for “nonattachment” which means letting go of your chains.  You know, the baggage, the things that hold you back like childhood issues, bad marriages, etc.

Whatever those things are for you, they’re in the past.  They have no power over the present or the future except what we give them.  I was talking to a woman this morning who has a great business idea for a product that she developed but she just can’t seem to move forward on it.  She’s literally afraid to be successful because of past negative experiences.  This is what I’m talking about.

We ALL deserve the opportunity to be successful.  Let’s take it!!Secrets of Six Figure Women

Terri King

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