Terri King Speaks

Worse Than Dying

by on Apr.28, 2008, under Uncategorized

Have you ever heard the story of Easy Eddie and Butch O’Hare?

In short, they were two guys who each risked their lives for freedom and honor.

Easy Eddie paid the ultimate sacrifice to be free from the clutches of Al Capone and to restore honor to his name.

Butch O’Hare was the first WWII pilot to become a flying ace fighting for a free world and the Chicago O’Hare Airport bears his name in honor of his accomplishments.

It reminds me of my favorite line in the movie Open Range: “You might not know this, but there are some things that gnaw on a man worse than dying.”

What’s worth dying for? That’s a question only you can answer for yourself.

Whatever the answer, let’s make sure if it’s worth risking death for it’s worth living for. That is, in this busy, fast-pace world, remember to give quality time to the things that really matter to you.

By the way, if you haven’t heard the Easy Eddie/Butch O’Hare story here’s a link:

The Story of Easy Eddie and Butch O’Hare


Terri King

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