Here’s to Good Health!
by Terri King on Jun.23, 2008, under Uncategorized
In the course of one day, we have an overwhelming list of responsibilities and obligations that we have taken upon our shoulders.
Our lives are moving at such high rates of speed we’re often plagued with obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and the like.
The truth is, without you your day stops in its tracks.
If you don’t take care of yourself all your plans and promises will be for naught.
Here’s 3 basic things we can do to nurture good health:
1.Feed your mind the right stuff: Read something positive each night before bed and each morning before you begin your day.
2.Feed your body the right stuff: You know what to do. Keep the junk to a minimum.
3.Move with purpose: Make everywhere you go a deliberate action. It will increase the calories burned, strengthen core muscles, and cause people to see you as a person who knows what they want and where they are going.
I have 3 friends battling cancer right now.
Every healthy day is priceless. Let’s don’t waste it.
Terri King
June 23rd, 2008 on 8:45 pm