A Short Trip
by Terri King on Nov.25, 2008, under Uncategorized
Holidays already? This year has been challenging for most of us. But still, where did it go?
Life truly is just a vapor that appears for a while and is gone.
It’s so easy to fill the space of time in our lives with minutiae.
Time seems to be like money in that if it doesn’t have a specific purpose it just goes away.
Let’s seek out the good things in life and give them more room to make great memories for us.
Time is never wasted when you’re in search of a good thing.
After all, it is the limiting factor in life, and the most unforgiving.
There’s only so much of it and when it’s gone there’s no getting it back.
No matter how long you live it’s really just a short trip.
I’m not going to tell you how to live, just to live and live fully.
Terri King
November 25th, 2008 on 8:19 pm
I am not sure I totally agree with you, but it is well stated. Keep up the good work.