Terri King Speaks

Springing for Some Change

by on Apr.07, 2008, under Uncategorized

Spring is here! Are you ready for change?

If you are like a lot of people change is something you probably resist. The fear of change can be so strong that we would stay where we are, doing what we’re doing even if it’s not good for us, just to avoid having to change.

Well, Spring is a great time to embrace change. It’s a time when change is good. The sun shines, the birds sing, flowers bloom. All of this is possible because nature is willing to change the seasons.

Look for some way to change this week. Do something different. Take a new route to work, get a new hair style, or listen to another genre of music for a day. Do anything to shake it up a bit.

You might find a creative idea or a solution to a nagging problem lurking around in your mind somewhere.

At the very least, you’ll break some monotony and be UNPREDICTABLE!

Yea, that’s sexy.

Have a great week.

Terri King

1 Comment for this entry

  • Sally Iannazzone

    CHANGE…..that seems to be the word around me these days.
    ….and isn’t change part of growing…..stretch and grow….re-birth…..new beginnings and new opportunities!
    To every ending there is a fine thread attached to a new beginning….embrace it……and acknolege all the emotions that come with it……without them you would not be human and you would not be “living your life”…….Change is inevitable…..resistance waists energy.
    Have a wonderful day!

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